Gajos, Krzysztof Z.

Haoqi Zhang, Edith Law, Robert C. Miller, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, David C. Parkes, and Eric Horvitz. 2012. “Human Computation Tasks with Global Constraints: A Case Study.” In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI'12), Pp. 217-226. Download
Andrew Mao, Yiling Chen, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, David C. Parkes, Ariel D. Procaccia, and Haoqi Zhang. 2012. “TurkServer: Enabling Synchronous and Longitudinal Online Experiments.” In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Human Computation (HCOMP-12). Download
Jon Noronha, Eric Hysen, Haoqi Zhang, and Krzysztof Z. Gajos. 2011. “PlateMate: Crowdsourcing Nutrition Analysis from Food Photographs.” In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '11). Download
Eric Huang, Haoqi Zhang, David C. Parkes, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, and Yiling Chen. 2010. “Toward Automatic Task Design: A Progress Report.” In Proceedings of the Second Human Computation Workshop, Pp. 77-85. Download